Friday, April 19, 2019

April Showers Umbrellas

Day 4:
Test! 2 out of 4 umbrellas kept the stuffed animal dry! One umbrella that did not work needed more structure to keep the top part up (as decided by the group.)
The other umbrella that did not work needed to be wider at the top (as decided by the group.)

Day 3:

Day 2:
Share building ideas with group. Determine which plan or parts of plans will be used to build the umbrellas. Learn jobs and roles.
Begin to build.

Today we started a new STEM project, April Showers Umbrellas.
The class was able to determine the criteria necessary to build an apparatus that will keep a stuffed animal dry when water is poured over it using a watering can. Watch the blog for more updates this week!
Today we began by planning individual ideas using materials that will be provided. 

Friday, April 5, 2019

1A Scientists

Congratulations to Andrew, Ben and Sloane for entering their projects into the Reed Science Fair! All three entries will go on to the next level of competition at Queeny Park.