Weekly Newsletters

March 6, 2020
Hi Parents,
I'm looking forward to meeting with many of you next week for parent teacher conferences. Because of conferences and the short week I will not send a newsletter next Friday (well that and I'll be on an airplane :)
Here are a few things we worked on this week:

-this week during reader's workshop I have been reading with individual students to determine their current reading level. So much growth! Can't wait to share more with you next week at conferences.
-in math we are continuing to work on graphing. We are focusing on reading, making and interpreting picture graphs. I anticipate we will take the test next Wednesday, 3/12.
Our next chapter will be Lines and Surfaces.
-in writer's workshop most of us are now published authors! Our realistic fiction stories will be available to read at conferences. Next week we'll do some fun St. Patrick's day writing.
-in Science, our big question this week was “What makes matter change?”
Students were introduced to matter and how it changes.  They observed a small candle and used what they have learned about material properties to describe the parts of the candle.  Then, students applied the scientific process to investigate changes to the candle after adding heat and figured out that some changes are reversible and others are not.  Students then applied this knowledge to their penguin habitat design challenge as they investigated changes in ice cubes that occur in different temperatures.  They figured out that ice can change into water and then back into ice again, if the temperature is low enough.

Another big question this week was “How can we make sure that solid ice doesn’t melt in our habitat?”  Students described the properties of 6 potential insulating materials to use in their habitat design, and learned about reversible and irreversible changes in matter.  They conducted an experiment to figure out which materials are the best insulators for the penguin habitat, as well as which materials will allow people to see the penguins.

Reminders for next week:
-S.Q.U.I.R.T. Day is Monday!!
-there will NOT be a spelling test next week, so no new words were sent home today. We will resume our normal routine the week we return, but only have a few more lessons!
-there will NOT be literacy log homework next week. If your child turned in their weekly homework today, their literacy log is now "on vacation" until we return. 
-I will keep red folders, assignment books, and literacy logs here at school over break. One less thing to keep track of :)

Hope to see many of you at trivia Saturday night! Be warned I'll be "judging" you....haha, you'll see what I mean!
Have a great weekend!


February 28, 2020
Hi Parents,
The next few weeks are going to be a blur of activity and learning! 2 weeks from today we'll all be off and enjoying spring break! A reminder that conferences are quickly approaching. Here is the schedule if you need a reminder of your time:

Here are a few of the things we worked on this week:

-we have wrapped up our unit covering time in math. Overall the class did very well with this unit. Test scores were sent home Thursday.
Our next chapter will cover graphs and line plots. Our primary focus next week will be:    
     -read, analyze and interpret graphs
     -complete picture graphs
     -make picture graphs

-in reader's workshop we are working in book clubs. These clubs were based on a skill from our current unit that each student wanted to focus on. The kids could focus on:
    -reading fluently
     -keeping track of longer books
     -understanding literary language
The book clubs had a task to establish goals and a plan for reading these goals. It was fun to watch the kids collaborate and set common goals. At this time each student is reading a different book that they have self selected (the book does need to be at their current reading level.)
Next quarter we will spend more time in a more traditional book club by reading a common book.

-during writer's workshop we are focusing on writing 'satisfying' endings to our fiction stories. These endings should include how the story ends and how their characters feel. Next week we will begin to illustrate and publish our stories.

-we are continuing to enjoy our current science unit, "A Home for a Penguin."
In Science, we began the week with two new Big Questions:  “How do we discover the best materials for our habitat?” and “How do we describe material properties and use properties to make decisions?”
Students examined and described wood, graphite, paint, brass, an eraser, metal, and foam.  They figured out that matter can be described and classified by its observable (physical) characteristics, and that they can connect the properties of those materials to their purpose.  We will connect our learning to the design challenge (a penguin habitat prototype) by selecting common building materials based on how they will be used in animal habitats.

-Early release is Friday, 3/6 @ 1:15pm.
-Early release Thursday 3/12 @ 1:15pm.
-No school Friday 3/13-3/22 (spring break)

Thanks and have a great weekend!

February 21, 2020
Hi Parents,
Hope you had a great week! Our schedule continues to be a bit off due to many special activities this week.
Here are some highlights:

-Dr. Moshiri came to visit us on Thursday. She taught us about dental health and the importance of taking care of our teeth. She sent each student home with a goodie bag as well.
-Friday we had a special Black History Month assembly. The assembly was led by Reed students and we were fortunate to have very engaging speakers!
-we began a new unit in science and the kids are so excited! The Unit is titled 'A Home for a Penguin.' We'll be learning about properties of matter, heating and cooling. Should be very engaging!
-in math we are wrapping up our chapter on time. I anticipate we'll take the test on Tuesday 2/25. We'll review on Monday.

-new spelling words went home today. The spelling pattern is attached.
-literacy logs were due today. Most kids needed to turn in their letter from last week as well as the 'Flag' passage. 
A letter will be due next Friday, 2/28.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

February 13, 2020
Hi Parents,
We had a busy, fun week together. Our routines were a bit off due to many fun Valentine activities, so this won't be much of an academic update. Just a few highlights and reminders.

-math: our measurement test was VERY successful! Everyone scored 80% or above. That's fantastic!
We have started a new chapter covering time. In 1st grade the students learned to tell time to the hour and 1/2 hour. In this chapter we'll learn to tell time in 5 minute increments and learn about elapsed time.

-social studies: we wrapped up our current chapter, 'What Makes Us the United States.' This week the kids made quilt squares which represented a symbol, landmark, document, or holiday in the United States. They had to draw the item, then write and tell the class why their symbol represented the United States. The class did a great job and the quilt is now on display outside our classroom.

-spelling: we will NOT have a spelling test next week. New words will be sent home Friday 2/21.

Please see the message below from our district gifted coordinator, Brooke Bilby. Any questions regarding the screener should be directed to Brooke.

The week of February 17 your child will be taking the Idea Lab screeners. The screening consists of creativity and problem solving  activities. We do not emphasize that this is a gifted screener.  Instead, the focus is to give teachers a better understanding of how students learn best. We recommend plenty of rest and a healthy breakfast. 

Reminders for next week:
-No School Friday 2/14 and Monday 2/17.
-book orders are due 2/19.
-I will be out of the building on Wednesday 2/19, but will return on Wednesday.

Thanks and have a LOVELY Valentine's Day!

February 7, 2020
Happy Friday! Here are a few things that kept us busy this week:

-in reading we are now working on a few skills. This week we met with our 'same book partners.' These partners are established based on current reading levels. The partners choose a 'same book' together and then make plans to check in with each other while reading.
Some strategies they practiced this week were:
     -make plans for stopping to check in after reading a section
     -don't just ignore the confusing parts. Ask questions and reread to figure things out
     -talk to remember parts of the story together
We also began practicing new strategies to keep track of longer books. The strategies introduced today were:
     -ask your same book partner for some help if you get tricked
     -determine what's important. Stop at the end of chapters to jot down some notes about the major events that happened.

-in writer's workshop most of us are wrapping up our first fiction story. We focused on resolving the conflict today. Next week we will work on adding endings to our stories.

-this week's spelling pattern is attached

-in math we are continuing our chapter covering measurement. Today we worked on solving word problems using bar models. This was a tough lesson for many. Good news though, the test questions are much less difficult!
We will review the chapter Monday. I anticipate we will take the chapter test on Tuesday. We will begin our next chapter covering time next week.

As a reminder the kids can decorate valentine bags in class next week. I will have everything they need to decorate them. We plan to do this Tuesday.
However, your child is also MORE than welcome to make their own valentine box at home. I know this can be a special tradition for some. 
-the class party is Thursday 2/13 @ 2:45pm. Here is the link to sign up to help at the party. Please consider signing up!

-No School Friday 2/14 and Monday 2/17.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

January 24, 2020
Hi Parents!
This week has just flown by! Between a 4 day weekend and multiple meetings involving me out of the room this week, I feel like I blinked and the week was over. Here are a few things we managed to squeeze in this week:

-our reader's workshop routine has been a little off this week. Between NWEA testing and cheering on our classmates in the spelling bee I have not met with reading groups this week. 
We were able to practice our reading fluency in our heads, aloud, and with partners. The strategy we focused on this week was:
     -read at a 'just right' pace. Make sure your reading is not too slow and not too fast.
Next week we'll be back on track!
-our spelling patterns have become trickier the past few weeks with many rules applying to the letter sounds. We have been working on identifying the spelling patterns through word sorts and sentences containing examples of the pattern.
Our weekly test routine will also resume next week. The spelling test will be Thursday and new words sent home Friday. Attached is our new spelling pattern.
-during writer's workshop we are continuing to read fiction books and plan our own fiction stories. We have decided on characters, setting and a few realistic problems and their solutions. We have enjoyed sharing ideas with our classmates.
Next week we will spend a few days writing strong leads for our stories. We wanted to 'hook' our readers and get them excited to read our writing!
-This week in math our focus has been fractions. Here is what we have covered so far:
     -describe fractions to describe equal parts of a whole
     -name fractional parts
     -draw models to show equal parts of a whole
     -use model drawings to show a whole in different ways
We will continue and wrap up this chapter next week. I anticipate we will take the chapter test on Thursday or Friday.
-during social studies we have been working on map skills. We have identified rivers, lakes, mountain ranges, and oceans on maps. 

Reminders for next week:
-looks like a "normal" week!!

Have a great weekend!

January 17, 2020
Surprise! Happy 4 day weekend to all of you!

Hi Parents,
This has been a busy week in 2nd grade! We covered a lot of material. Here are a few things we focused on:

-in math we have wrapped up our unit covering money. This turned out to be a difficult chapter, particularly the word problems. I was so impressed by their test taking skills! Nearly the entire class scored above 80% on the chapter test.  Way to go!
Next week we will start a short unit on fractions. Listed below are the specific skills we will focus on throughout the chapter:

•  Shapes that are divided into equal parts
•  Shapes that are not divided into equal parts
•  Identify whether a shape is divided into equal fractional parts.
•  Read, write, and identify unit fractions for halves, thirds, and fourths.
•  Show fractions and a whole using model drawings

-during reader's work we are focusing on reading fluency. Here are the strategies we applied while reading this week:
-reread aloud and in your head
-scoop words into longer phrases
-talk like the characters (use context context clues and punctuation) to determine
the character will sound
-make your voice match the mood
We have been focusing on those same skills during our small group reading time.
In addition we have been working on reading for text evidence. We have read short passages and then
answered questions about the passage using specific evidence from the text.

-we are beginning a unit writing fiction stories during writer's workshop. This week we read several mentor texts and discussed characters, setting,
conflict, resolution and the strong emotions the characters felt in the story. We have begun planning our own fiction stories this week by
determining characters and setting.

-this week in social studies we studied maps and globes. We located the seven continents and five major oceans.
We have also located rivers, mountains and lakes on the United States map.

-attached you will find next week's spelling patterns.
**due to the "snow day" we will send new words home on Tuesday.
We will take our weekly test on Friday instead of Thursday.

-No School on Monday, 1/20.
-I will be out of the building the morning of 1/21. I will be at a curriculum meeting for the district.
-Library books are due on Tuesday.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

January 10, 2020
Hi Parents!
Happy New Year! We are settling in nicely to the new year and quickly back into our daily routines. We've been reviewing classroom expectations throughout the week. Here are a few other things we have focused on:

-we have started a new chapter in math. This chapter focuses on money. This week have discussed coins and bills and compared amounts of money. We have focused on how to use the decimal point when writing amounts of money.
We will work on solving word problems next week. Our chapter test will tentatively be next Wednesday.
-we are reviewing reader's workshop routines this week. We have new reading levels, books, groups, partners and reading spots. Exciting week!
-we have had a special visitor this week during our normal writer's workshop and social studies times.
Ms. Kim, sponsored by Arts Partners, has been teaching us all about tree-mendous trees! The kids have been engaged, attentive learners this week. It has been a nice way to transition back from break. Look for a few photos on the blog soon.
-as we have been learning more and more about trees we have watched several videos on a youtube channel called 'Mystery Doug.' We have found these videos to be very informative, fun and super kid friendly. The kids have written Mystery Doug in their assignment books if they are interested in watching some videos at home. His content covers a wide variety of material. Some favorites this week have been 'why are hurricanes so dangerous' and 'were dragons ever real.' As always I have told the class they need parent permission and/or help searching for these videos online.
-spelling tests and literacy log homework will resume next week. New spelling words and a literacy log assignment will be sent home today. In addition we'll have spelling homework on Tuesdays once again.

-spelling test on Thursday, 1/16
-tentative chapter 11 math test on Wednesday, 1/15
-literacy log homework due Friday, 1/17
-book orders due Friday, 1/17
-early release on Friday, 1/17 @ 1:15pm
-no school on Monday, 1/20

Have a great weekend!

December 18, 2019
Hi Parents!
I hope you enjoyed the extra long, snowy weekend! With only 3 days this week, we are full steam ahead! Here are a few notes about this week:

-our weekly spelling test is TOMORROW! We had a chance to practice our words this morning, so hopefully you have been studying at home.
-S.Q.U.I.R.T. day is TOMORROW! All of 2nd grade will enjoy this reward for being hard working students this quarter. Information will be in red folders tonight.
-Literacy Logs (write a letter to me) are due Friday.
-we will NOT begin a new chapter in math this week. Instead we will be finishing many different activities and projects that we hope to complete by Friday.
-Literacy logs and new spelling words will NOT be sent home this Friday. 
-our class winter party is Friday, 11:20-12:05. ALL are welcome. There is still time to sign up and help! Here is the link:

Thanks and happy holidays if I don't see you Friday!

December 13, 2019
Hi Parents,
This will be my last weekly update of 2019! We will be very busy with many different activities next week, so not much of a formal update.
Here are a few things we focused on this week:

-during reader's workshop I am continuing to meet with individual students so that we can read together and determined their most up to date F&P level.
We are also continuing to prepare for our kindergarten guests next week! We will be teaching KD, KP and KR about our nonfiction topics. Look for pictures on our blog!

-we WILL have our weekly spelling test next Thursday. There will NOT be a pretest on Friday. Attached is our weekly spelling pattern.

-next week's literacy log homework will be a letter to me about a book they are reading at home. If your child did not get their literacy log returned to them today that means they have already worked ahead and written the letter. We are going to try very hard to stay on the same weekly assignment next week. This will help eliminate any confusion over the homework.

-this week in writer's workshop we are publishing our nonfiction texts. Let me tell you these books are amazing! They just make me smile each time I read with them. And the best part, I really think the kids are enjoying writing!! YIPPEE!

-we are continuing to focus on the questions: How does the Earth's surface change? We focused on slow vs fast changes to the Earth. We discussed lengths of time that might affect these changes.
Next week we will design and build a structure to prevent wind erosion.

-Early release is Friday 12/20 @ 1:15pm.
-Our class winter party is Friday 12/20, 11:20-12:05. All are welcome!

Thanks and have a great weekend!

December 6, 2019
Hi Parents,
The race is on to finish out our first semester together! Our normal classroom routines will be a bit off the next few weeks, but rest assured there will be a lot happening!
Here are a few things we focused on this week:

-during reader's workshop we are creating a "museum." We have invited all kindergarten classes to visit us over the next few weeks. When they visit the kids will be teaching them about the nonfiction topic they have been reading. This week we focused on choosing keywords from our topics "visitors" might want to learn about. We also chose the 5 facts we felt most important to teach our visitors. This week we worked on summarizing those facts as opposed to reading right from the book.
Next week we will practice with partners and create displays so our visitors know which topics they can learn about.
In addition I am reading with each student to find their just right level books for when we return next semester. This F&P testing time allows me to teach to the reading level that will most benefit your child as a reader.

-we are working on metric measurements in math this week. We have measured using meters and centimeters. The focus of this week has been being able to use subtraction skills to find the differences between units of length. We will do some difficult math work on Monday and Tuesday. We will solve one and two step problems involving length. This will require them to use subtraction skills with regrouping.

-we are adding finishing details to our nonfiction texts in writer's workshop. This week we focused on adding information to our chapter books by focusing in on one chapter a day. We worked with partners so that they could share tips and ideas about new details that could be added. Today we wrote 'About the Author' pages and they are really cute!

-we will have a spelling test next Thursday. Our current spelling pattern is attached. This week's spelling test will be on Friday instead of Thursday.

-this has been a busy week in science! We have been talking about the affects of water on landforms. We did some fun activities yesterday. We experimented to see how water affects caves, how does a fast river affect land compared to a slow river, how does the strength of a wave affect land, and how does the amount of rain affect the landscape?
The vocabulary we focused on this week was: weathering, cave, flood and erosion.

-library books are due on Tuesday.
-I will be out of the building on Thursday 12/12. 
-Here is the link to sign up to help at our class winter party on 12/20:

Thanks and enjoy the rest of your Sunday!


November 22, 2019
Hi Parents,
We have enjoyed the warm streak this week! I hope you have been able to do so as well. Even with the beautiful weather here are some of the things we worked on:

-during reader's workshop our focus has continued to be on nonfiction texts. This week the strategies we focused on were:
     -when you read multiple books across the same topics add to what you know.
     -spot differences when reading different books about the same topic.
     -retell topics, not just books.

-in math we are wrapping up chapter 6 - multiplying by 2, 5 and 10. Today we focused on even and odd numbers (simple concept) and missing addends (not simple.) 
Next week we will take a practice test Monday and the final chapter test on Tuesday. After Thanksgiving break we will start a new chapter covering metric measurements of length.

-we are finishing writing our own nonfiction texts. Here are the strategies we tried in our own writing:
     -clear up confusion for your audience. Answer questions like who, where, why and how.
     -writer's set goals for their writing and meet them page after page.

-we have started a new unit in science! Wind and Water Change the Earth. This week we have studied globes and focused on bodies of water and landforms. The kids worked with partners today to build models out of dough. They created models that had to include three different landforms and a body of water. The models are drying over the weekend, but please look for pictures on the blog next week.

-spelling! I will give a spelling pretest on Monday 11/25. However, the test will not be until 12/5. We will have plenty of time to practice in class when we return from Thanksgiving break. Attached are the patterns we will work on.

-Literacy Logs! Will not be due until 12/6. The next assignment will be to read and answer questions about 'Bubble Gum.'

-No School Wednesday-Friday 11/27-29. 

Have a GREAT Thanksgiving Break!

Lindsey Anderson
Second Grade  Reed School

~to the world you might be just one person, but to one person you just might be the world

November 15, 2019

November 8. 2019
Hi Parents,
I hope everyone is adjusting to the time change. It always takes me a while to get used to the dark at 5:00pm. 
Here are a few things we focused on this week:

-we have started a short chapter introducing students how to multiply and divide. This is a great way to introduce kids to the concept and the skills associated with solving the problems. We will take the chapter 5 test next week.

-During reader's workshop we are continuing our study of nonfiction texts. Listed below are the reading strategies we have been focusing on. I am continuing to meet with multiple reading groups on a daily basis. 
-Talk the Talk! Learn to Read the Lingo!
     -expect and look out for key words
    -look for and use features to help
     -use the WHOLE page to figure out what new keywords mean

-we are also continuing on to work on writing nonfiction texts. The class has been publishing books about topics upon which they are already experts. Many kids have added their books to our class library this week. These are the writing strategies we focused on this week:
-Nonfiction Writers
-read books by other authors and think, "I could do that."
-reread early drafts, trying to add more
-set goals and make plans

-this week's spelling pattern is attached. We are beginning to do a class word study to gain a deeper understanding of the spelling patterns we are focusing on as opposed to simply memorizing the weekly list.
This week I have heard a lot of talk about the "easy" list vs the "hard" list. We are working on shifting our mindset to "I have the best list for me." As a reference I have never referred to the list as easy, hard, etc. Each spelling list is color coded, I simply refer to the lists by their color. These color coded lists are kept in their book boxes at school.

-we are wrapping up our current chapter in social studies. This week we worked with a small group to create a neighborhood business. Their planning template was sent home Thursday. The kids seemed to enjoy the task and getting the chance to apply the concepts learned in this chapter to the activity.

-Monday is Veterans Day. Please have your child wear redwhite and blue.
-I will not be sending book orders home this month in hopes you will attend the Reed book fair. All purchases benefit Reed School.

Have a great weekend!


November 1, 2019
Hi Parents!
Thanks to everyone who planned, attended, and ​helped at the Halloween party yesterday, a great time was had by all!
Even with our very fun week we got a lot accomplished in 2A!

Here are some of the things we worked on:
-we have finished our math chapter introducing bar models. The class has done a great job on this chapter and we took our chapter test today. Your child's math scores are going home today. I am so PROUD of your kids! They really applied their knowledge of addition and subtraction this chapter.
​-We have started a new unit in reader's workshop-nonfiction. Here are the strategies we are focusing on in reader's workshop.:   
-Nonfiction readers grow knowledge:
     -pay attention to details
     -put the parts of the text together in your mind
     -ask questions
     -think. "what is this book (and this part) teaching me?"
-we have also started a new unit in writer's workshop-nonfiction writing. This week we focused on writing as many books as we could about topics that we are ALREADY experts in. The kids have enjoyed teaching each other about new topics.

-in social studies our new chapter is focusing on the following concepts:
-What Brings Changes to a Neighborhood?
     -consumer, producer, goods, services (review from 1st grade)
     bank, borrow, demand, supply, income, skill

-No School Tuesday 11/5.
-Pasport Night is Friday 11/8.
-Veteran's Day and Veteran's Day assembly is 11/11.

Thanks and enjoy that extra hour of sleep tonight!


October 18, 2019
Hi Parents! I am looking forward to meeting with all of you next week. Due to parent teacher conferences I will not send a newsletter next Friday.
Here are a few things we covered this week:

-we wrapped up chapter 3 in math this week (subtraction within 1,000) I will share test results with you at conferences next week. This will give you a chance to see your child's work on the test.
This week we are learning about bar models. I am teaching this to students as a strategy to help solve addition and subtraction problems within 1,000. The primary focus will be to teach them a more visual strategy for solving. In addition we will begin reading story problems more closely so we can identify whether to add or subtract.

-The reading strategies we focused on this week:
-use vowel teams and ask, "would a different sound help?"
-don't just say the words, figure out what they mean too.
-Authors Have Intentions
     -Notice, Stop, and Think: what part is powerful, why is it powerful, how did the author do it?
     -ask, "how did this author make this WHOLE book click together?

-we are continuing to publish our writer's workshop personal narrative stories. Hopefully you'll be able to see your child's finished writing piece next week at conferences.

-this week in social studies our key words were: community, rules, school rules, citizen, choice, cost, benefit, fact and opinion. Most of these concepts were review. We will finish our current chapter tomorrow.
Next week our new chapter will be: What Brings Changes to a Neighborhood

-parent teacher conferences 10/22 and 10/24
-early release 10/24, 1:15pm
-no school 10/25
-2nd grade field trip to St. Louis Symphony Orchestra on 10/23.
Kid should wear "dressy" clothes for the performance. Something you might wear on picture day or dinner at a nice restaurant.
-Monday is 2nd grade SQUIRT day (see attached note) 

Thanks and enjoy your weekend!

October 11, 2019
Hi Parents,
We have now reached the end of our first quarter together. Time has sure flown by! Here are a few things we worked on this week:

-we are finishing chapter 3 in math. This week our focus was subtraction with regrouping in hundreds, tens and ones. We also worked on subtracting across zeros. These math skills require solving multiple steps within a single problem. The kids have done a great job of showing their work and solving difficult problems. We will wrap up chapter 3 next week.
Chapter 4 will be an introduction to bar models.
-our new focus in reader's workshop is "when words are tricky, roll up your sleeves." We focused on using the following strategies to solve tricky words:
     -check the picture and think, "what would make sense?"
     -use what's happening in the story
     -look through the WHOLE word, part by part
     -look for a word inside a word
    -don't give up! Try Something! Take a guess!
     -reread and ask, "does that sound right?"
We have been applying these skills when reading independently as well as with our reading partners and reading groups.
-we are finishing our personal narratives and next week we will "publish" our stories!
-the concepts we have focused on in social studies are: rights and responsibilities, family traditions, point of view and interviews.

-book orders are due today
-parent/teacher conferences are Tuesday, 10/22 and Thursday, 10/24
-early release 10/24 @ 1:15pm
-No school 10/25

Have a great weekend!


October 4, 2019
Hi Parents,
We have had a great week together! Even though I was out 2 days last week, we definitely made up for lost time this week. Here is a glimpse of what we have been working on together:

-in math we are working on subtraction up to 1,000. This week we worked on subtraction without grouping, subtraction with regrouping in the tens and ones.
As this can be a difficult practice we will move forward slowly to be sure students understand the process behind regrouping. The chapter 3 test will be at the end of next week or the beginning of the following week.

-during reader's workshop we have focused on the following reading strategies:
     -decide how to read (what is the tone of the text? Exciting, worried, happy....
     -give the book a sneak peek (use picture and word clues to decide what might happen in the text)
     -read more and more (readers set goals to read as many books as they can during read to self)
     -read in bigger scoops (this is a great one! This strategy helps kids read text smoothly and fluently)
     -stop, think, retell (readers stop and think about what they have read after every few pages, not just at the end of a book)
     -use stop & jots to remember ideas

I am enjoying meeting with reading groups daily. In my opinion, this is where the "magic" happens. Not only do kids build their skills, but also relationships within the group.

-we are continuing the revise, edit and add to our personal narratives. This week we focused on adding "strong" word to our writing. Words that could clearly describe a setting or a mood. Next week we will choose a piece to add final revisions to publish.

-we have started social studies! This week we have spent time exploring our new textbooks and getting to know the characters featured in the curriculum. We began exploring the concept of how families change over time.

-early release, Friday 10/11 @ 1:15pm
-book orders are due 10/11
-Fall conference sign up/reminder:

Thanks and enjoy a FALL weekend!!

September 20, 2019
Hi Parents,
We have had a busy week together. Here are a few things we have worked on:

-your kids are AMAZING at math!! This week our focus has been adding to 1,000 with regrouping in the ones, the tens, and tens and ones. The kids have been strong, independent workers this week. I can't be more proud! We have even mastered word problems adding numbers to 1,000. We will continue with this chapter for a few more days and wrap up next week.
-next week we will officially begin reader's workshop!! We will launch our daily mini lessons, one on one conferences and reading groups. In addition to reading the kids will also complete word work (practicing spelling words), journal writing prompts and listening to reading using Raz Kids. I'm excited to start seeing your kids in reading groups and letting the progress begin!
-in writer's workshop we have focused on editing to add correct punctuation. We have also worked on setting goals to improve our writing. We are continuing to write personal narratives.
-during science learned the word biodiversity. We watched short segments of live cams in the rainforest, ocean, and arctic. We also learned about seed dispersal and some of the ways this occurs. 
Next week we will begin to build a model that mimics the role of animals in seed dispersal.
-we are also working on our keyboarding skills through the website Typetastic.
-Mrs. Williams from NCADA has also visited our class the past three Wednesday mornings. I have attached a brief summary of her first two visits with this weekly update.
-our spelling test will be next Thursday. New spelling words will also go home Thursday as we have no school Friday.
Speaking of spelling...I have had a few questions about what determines your child's weekly spelling list. I have attached a letter explaining our spelling program and what determines YOUR child's list each week. I meant to add it to curriculum night info, but am not sure I actually did so.

Reminders for next week:
-No School Friday 9/27.

Have a great weekend!

September 13, 2019
Hi Parents,
We've had a nice week together. I think we are all ready for fall weather though! Here are a few things we have focused on:
-we have completed our first chapter in math and looked at the chapter opener for chapter 2 - Addition Up to 1,000
This promises to be a challenging chapter. I will keep you updated on our lessons each week. Be sure to let me know if you would like any extra practice for your child to work on at home. 
-I am continuing to read with each child and will complete this work next week. We have also added weekly grammar practice. Last week the rules we practiced were:
     -every sentence has two part
     -these parts will name someone or something and that they someone or something is doing. Great introduction to nouns and verbs!
This week or rule was:
     -every sentence begins with a capital letter. This is a a GREAT rule to practice!
-in writer's workshop we have continued to add to our personal narratives (or small moment stories.) We also learned how to edit and add revision strips to our writing.
-during science we have learned about parts of a plant and the function of each part. We also took some data about different kinds of plants we observed in two different areas around Reed School. We enjoyed using the scientific process of recording data.

-please send a snack in every day.
-Literacy homework rotates between a letter and reading a short passage and answering questions. This weeks homework is read and answer "At the Zoo."
-our weekly spelling test will be next Thursday 9/19
-if you have not yet signed up for a fall conference, here is the link:

Thanks and have a great weekend!
PS look at me remembering to attach the weekly spelling skill we are focusing on :)

September 6, 2019
Happy Friday all!
Another successful week of 2nd grade! I know moving up to this grade level has been full of excitement, anticipation, and fear of the unknown and learning routines. And that's just how I feel...
But seriously I feel like we are finally getting a hang of the routines and expectations in 2A. 
I am going to keep our academic focus a bit brief again this week due to the number of reminders I am sending today.

-in math we are finishing our chapter covering numbers to 1,000. This chapter is a HUGE jump from where the kids finished last year in 1st grade. We have practiced place value extensively the past few weeks. We will take our chapter test Monday. Scores will be sent home the next day. Typically I don't send home the test but you are MORE THAN WELCOME to see it, anytime! Just ask and I'll send it home.
-during reader's workshop we have introduced 2nd grade grammar and punctuation books and daily language review books. These books focus on writing sentences correctly. 
I am continuing to read with each student and loving every minute as I get to know them as readers.
-we have started writing our first narrative, or small moment story, during writer's workshop. This week we learned that writer's "zoom in" on details when writing a narrative.
-our plants are growing! During science we have been predicting, measuring and discussing the results of our plants that are being grown with a variety of variables.

-book orders are due TODAY!

-I will be out of the building at a district meeting on Thursday 9/12. 

-Our next spelling test will be next Friday, 9/13. THIS IS A DAY LATER THAN USUAL due to my absence on Thursday. New words are in your child's assignment book (blue and white)

-literacy homework (bright green book) will be due next Friday as well. The weekly assignment is written in their assignment book. As a reminder homework may be turned in early. 

-initial assignment notebooks each night.

-Please send in snacks everyday.

-Patriotic Day Wednesday is 9/11. Please have your child wear redwhite, and blue.

Have a great weekend!

August 30, 2019
Hi Parents!
We have had a busy week of learning more about daily and weekly routines. This weekly update I'm going to focus on what you need to know in terms of routines. Next week I'll update you on our focus in all areas of curriculum.

Today the class took our weekly spelling pre-test. They were then assigned post test scores based on the pre-test. This week's spelling words are written in their assignment books (white and blue.) They are on the 1st page in September. We will take the test on Thursday, 9/5.
The kids will also keep a list here at school so that they can study as part of Reader's Workshop. Spelling homework will be sent home Tuesday evening and will be noted in their assignment books.

Assignment books (blue and white) should be initialed (by parents) and returned EACH day.
Literacy homework (bright green) is DUE FRIDAY but can be turned in early. They will be sent home with a new weekly assignment each Friday.
-book orders will be due Friday 9/6.

Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks and have a great long weekend!

August 23, 2019
Hi Parents!
We have made it through the first full week of school! I hope the kids aren't too tired at night!
Here is a brief glimpse of what we have worked on this week:

-we have started our first chapter in math-Numbers to 1,000. We have learned how to read and write numbers to 1,000 as well as write them in expanded form. Next week we will discuss place value.
-we have learned about and practiced many components of Reader's Workshop. We have learned about:
     -read to self
     -partner reading (ask about the 3 different ways we read with partners)
     -work on writing (journal writing)
     -word work (spelling word practice)
     -listen to reading (accessing Tumblebooks and RazKids on our scheduled day of the week) . *note: we will log into RazKids next week as I am still setting up our class roster
-we have continued to discuss what our respectful learning environment will look like in the classroom this year. 
-next week we will begin our first unit in Writer's Workshop - writing personal narratives
-we will also begin our first unit in science - Helping Seeds Travel

Reminders for next week:
-early release is Friday, 8/31 @ 1:15pm
-it is quite cold in our room - sweatshirts, etc are welcome
-Curriculum Night (parents only) is Tuesday, 8/27. 

Thanks and have a great weekend!
August 16, 2019
Hi Parents!
What a fun week we have had reconnecting with friends and making new ones! 
I did A LOT of talking this week and the kids got better and better about listening as the week went on. It's so important these first few weeks to set up a well organized, respectful learning environment. We have spent a great deal of time learning routines and expectations in 2A. We did have some fun too :) This class definitely has energy to spare!
We will begin more curriculum focused instruction next week, specifically in math and setting up good reading happens as part of reader's workshop.
I will also begin reading with individual students to help determine their reading needs and goals.

Reminders for next week:
-Picture Day is Wednesday, 8/21.
-water bottles are welcome in the classroom
-our room does not have a lot of temperature control and can be quite chilly. Feel free to send in a sweatshirt or long sleeve shirt. It can be kept here and I'll send it home at the end of each week. Once the weather gets cooler this will most likely not be necessary.

Thanks and have a great weekend!

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